(frederic van leeuw/belgian federal prosecutor ) "at the airport we have a photo of three suspects. we can assume that two of those three men have committed suicide - suicide attacks. the third and a hat is being searched at this moment." moment."the islamic state is taking responsibility for the attacks at the airport and a subway station. since june of 20-14... 75 attacks by isis have killed nearly 13-hundred people. around 2-dozen university of cincinnati students are in belgium this morning. thankfully, all of them safe... but still rattled by these attacks. 9 on your side's john genovese got to speak with one of them. john what did he have to say? <> terror rocking brussels. two bombs going off in the airport... then -- another at a subway station not far away03:39 "i kinda just pulled up a live update online -- i know a bunch of my coworkers had pulled up the same thing" 'david verchick' is a senior at the university of cincinnati. he's taking part in a co-op design program... 'antwerp' ... about a half- hour train ride from the attacks03:55"at one point we did