frederick holmstead had worked family aerbilt's number of times, was the person to have an estate like this laid out. he was also at the end of his career. i think that he did not have anything left to prove. he could bring all of his experiences and leave his ego out of it in little bit, and paint this really broad, beautiful picture that included -- forestry that people do not see cautiously. they see the backdrops, but it did not look like that when olmstead began. he saw that that was an important part of it. it was also very important that the country learn that you can have a scientifically-managed forest and they had been doing it for centuries in europe, but it was not the practice here, so he helped to bring together with george vanderbilt. so, as olmstead and vanderbilt were working out the bigger estate, and they both understood that scientifically-managed forests were going to be a really big part of the estate, they had to find somebody who could make this happen. and the first person they brought in as the first manager, the first forester was gifford pincho, and we remem