then, in frederick jackson sterner -- turner's speech, it was the settlement of frontiers that shaped the american care, that made americans who they were, that nurtured that gave birth to, not just the referendum system but gave birth to american democracy, that made america exceptional. that historians have abandoned the framework why the study met western history, what matters, what lesson can we learn that still matter, if not the old turn arion or roosevelt he and -- roosevelt vision of what mattered. certainly we struggled with that and the disconnect between the academic vision of what makes western history matter and, we have a lot to learn from telling stories. this was brought out very nicely because with academic history we can't just start with questions and problems for which we seek answers instead of telling stories. we have to be better storytellers because there is a profound disconnect i used to try to explain that i tried to explain to my students the way that westerns as a genre had shifted and the interpretations of western history had shifted by talking about the