i know i just met with our chairwoman, congresswoman frederick wilson, and we have some big plans ford how we get into the communities that uplift our black boys. host: we will go to alan in wheeler's bird, ohio. independent. caller: good morning. i have not followed nfl football at all in my life. this is my first time seeing mr. brewer, and have got to say, i am thoroughly impressed with what i have heard. and, brother, i just want you to know as a fellow believer i'm going to pray for you. because i believe that truth changes lives. it doesn't matter whether you are black or white. doesn't matter who you are. the word of god is quick, it is powerful, it is sharper than any sword. when you go into communities like you are doing, helping men with their physical needs, and then bringing them the truth a in their soul, you are going to change lives, brother. and i just wanted to thank you for what you are doing and let you know i'm going to be praying for you. guest: thank you so much, man. god bless you and keep you, and you said it. a lot of times people want to put words on things,