or is president obama having a freehand? >> i thinkd? he largely has a freehand. they have taken a poll and it shows the american people are tired of these engagements. i think the senatorsnts. themselves read the same polls and that is going to make themth be vary luck tent to push hard against what the president ist doing. >> dan, i'm afraid i agree with you. when we come back, all eyes are on the relaunch of health care .gov, but it may be the least of your problems asgov. obamacare marches on. ma why keeping your doctor willping be increasingly hard to do despite the president's, promises? >>> this isn't about putting government in charge of your health insurance. in it is about you putting yourself in charge ofin healthef insurance. if you like your doctor, youek, can keep your doctor. >> another now famous promise from president obama in the p run up to the passage of the affordable care act. as many americans are about to find out, keeping your doctor may not be as easy as he made it sound. dr. scott gotleib is a practicing physician and withica the food an