let the, you know, avoid liability for the freeman administration and let the individuals take the fall. isn't that core? >> that soundses very appealing. thank you for suggesting it. [laughter] >> rewind and start all over again. >> that's very good, yes. [laughter] >> but how could, how can you possibly claim qualified immunity for the individual defendants in the case like this? be i mean, we do have a constitution. it's stipulated, it's still this force. are you asking us on qualified immunity to forget about the nuremberg principle? >> your honor, as you know we've adopted the united states constitution. that isn't to say we fully believe in it. [laughter] we're adapting it to current conditions. but one thing we know for sure is that the executive order pursuant to which these officials acted was well known for years. there's no reason to believe they thought it was anything other than lawful. there's no reason for us to hold those lore on the totem pole responsible for the records or -- errors or the misdeeds of the higher ups. and the higher up, in turn, would never be prosecute