chairman scott gabaldon, who is accompanied by his attorney chairman ann tucker, chief freeman weaver of the choctaw indians and supervisor dillon, supervisor of napa county district three. i do thank all my witnesses. your written testimony will appear in the hearing record. i ask you to keep your statement to five minutes as outlined in the invitation letter to you, rule 4a. our microphones are not automatic. please press the button when you're ready to begin. i also want to explain how our timing lights work. when you begin to speak, the clerk will start the timer and a green light will appear. after four minutes, the yellow light will appear. in that time you will begin to conclude your statement. at five minutes the red light will come on. you may complete your sentence, but at that time i will ask you to stop. one thing, keep in mind, that all of you at the table, i'm very strict about procedures. if the dignity of the house of representatives is preserved, not to assume the house conducts its business -- make sure the house conducts its business in an orderly fashion but to per