that you get effectively feel free sounds like a good idea i mean related to oil or this version freeserve i'm in the united states it's a good thing for me right and if i'm living abroad what does that mean to me well we're not at the stage where even americans can turn up the petrol stations and demand to get their petrol and a bit of money as well when you know that this is a fleeting things happen we've already seen today that oil prices have started to become you know positive again it was a quirk of the way that that sold based upon futures that we had what happened yesterday but pump prices have been dropping in the united states over the past few months they followed by 2 thirds since the start of the year outside of the us we won't see the same impact in this west texas intermediate drop in prices because most of the world uses brant crude as its gauge for how much oil is worth but it is a sign of the trend in oil prices around the world that they are going down without petrol prices will also go down the problem is we've got no i say go halfway don't it's a sliding scale of the r