merchant's hall dating from $1500.00 to its striking red facade to future sculptures of hotspur rulers freiburg museum of municipal history is also located nearby. 2 130000 people live in fribourg including some 30000 students the city's university may be among germany's oldest but it boasts one of the most modern libraries although not everyone is a fan of its class facade and its undisputed that the building consumes less than half the energy its predecessor did. when it comes to ecology fribourg is a pioneer and home to germany's 1st helio trope powered by solar panels the structure rotates to follow the sun in 1904 it became the world's 1st plus energy house generating more power than it uses. frybread is also known for its will backcourt are built as a sustainable district on the grounds of a former military base it's partially car free and home to energy saving buildings . fibroids latest example of ecological architecture is its new city hall thought to be the 1st public building in the world to generate more energy than it consumes it won the german sustainability award in 20 team. i get a lit