i would urge you to take officer freid's suggestion and remove the number 75 ae thank you. >>what is the disadvantage of 75? do so with the unlimited. and will be governed by the policies and practices we've already adopted civic to be read impact or purchase and supply issues that could potentially come up.-feeling this will come up again if we go to 100 are to 200 at some point. >>they said they are going to come back and address the long-term growth issues and hopefully it will come back in a way that we don't have to keep rehashing this. staff hasn't said that they need more than 75. so, i don't see where we need to give them unlimited. if we were giving them unlimited authority i would want to review the policies to make sure they were consistent with that kind of authorization and absent the kind of review i'm not ready to give them unlimited authorization. >>it removes checks and balances of its unlimited. >>if i could just comment that this authority is important for our next enrollment and, 75 does give us room to grow the program in a manner that is responsive to