the french dezume bureau.' 'colonel donjev, or whoever you are.' 'you will return with us to the embassy.' and i assure you before the sun rises both of you will tell me everything. i'll tell you nothing. we all know the price of failure, gentlemen. [choking] the scent of bitter almonds. cyanide. [intense music] (kurasov) 'are you planning to use the same route of escape?' in that case...i'll give you exactly one hour to dispose off your companion. 'if mr. linkwood returns to this apartment and still finds' this body here, we'll see to it the police have definite proof that you killed him. goodbye. get the money, you fool. [door shuts] illya. illya. - illya, you didn't really-- - no, i didn't really. when mr. waverly finds out what happened, i'll wish i had. well? [sighs] there goes the ball game. gosh, sorry. [huffs] i thought we had him. he almost swallowed the hook. almost. a word that sticks edgewise in the throat to strangle one. was a lovely scheme. yes. it's too lovely to blow at this stage. there must be some way to re-coup. - do