and i would put him on account of growers freud gondar one of those three thinkers who have vastly expanded our human knowledge and oh i don't want. to quote mitch and his friend even becomes he was the first economist to describe the basic laws mechanisms that drive our economic order and much of that is still relevant today and it's not. to do so marxism has long played the most important role in chinese society and will continue to do so in the future profits she. monster was a live. shot of the. mocks only thing about the history. those seeming alternative. people just look at stalled and. feel to it it doesn't. wash but that stuff mocks me what i find most compelling about mark says his belief that social liberate. for the individual can only happen if that hope for liberation is available to everyone. comet's was a philosopher journalist and economist two hundred years after his birth his ideas are still relevant. today the sweeping changes happening in the wake of globalization sparking fresh debates about capitalism and social inequality. marx himself insisted that the job of philos