thank you >> thank you, next speaker, please >> my name is michael curen [inaudible] as a frexman at sacred heartime rrb blessed with school wide diversity in interest, race, income and sexual orientation. i love how the the class mates and teepers feel accepted every day. after bishop [inaudible] wants to change that. i don't want to go to school that has teachers in fear for their jobs and forced to put down the student for being who they are. i love my school, please don't let the values of love and acceptance be tarnished >> thank you, nx speaker, please >> my name is rien patterson, i'm here to make a brown act in sun shine ordinance on behalf of my clients 1067 market street llc [inaudible] based on the amendment of file number 150087 after the close of public comment. we do have comments we would like to make and we request a opportunity to do so. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaking, please. >> good afternoon, my name is moreen hurly i'm a san francisco native and went to [inaudible] high school and usf. i have a son at archbishop readern high school and we are lu