good part of it has been produced we now have to look into extremely deep waters or extremely deep frezza of wars or may have to look into remote regions or into areas that could not have been explored before be dissolved in saudi arabia is finished also in your home resources. and it is cheaper yeah but the price is always the date that by the most recent cost i see so as we have to continue supply and to meet the demand we have to go into you know very deep waters like of rubber seal of shore west africa now east africa gulf of mexico this oil is not cheap to produce so that's the rationale behind that assertion the easy or oil is being found now we need to look for more challenging and more costly oil and that's another reason why we can predict that oil prices the long term continues to well when we speak about these new here is the new areas will need new technologies because because they in the shoe is exploring new frontiers and they need new machinery new technologies know how so and so forth are these technologies available are they there already are all we still need to invent s