friedel. to tonight's biocide with your. cops. yesterday we told you about the case of whom there is only al garcia a mexican citizen who was convicted of raping and killing a sixteen year old girl and he was put on death row yesterday after our show he was executed and he was executed despite the fact that according to the vienna convention he got the right to seek assistance from mexico consulate when he was arrested that's something that texas never abided by in fact they never even told that he had that right he was executed despite the fact that the president of the united states himself asked texas governor rick perry to rethink this execution as a matter of. national relations and diplomacy because it's not about whether this man committed a heinous crime or not it's not like the mexican government would have let him walk free when you see all parties involved here recognize his guilt but it's a matter of holding ourselves up to the same standards we expect of others and he was also executed because when the president asked