the last spy to visit the office was fritz duchesne who stayed for three hours on june 25, 19 1941, 3ays after nazi germany launched its surprise air invasion on the soviet union pushing the u.s. ever ever closer toward her. on saturday june 25 and sunday june 29, 1941, 250 fbi agents swooped in and arrested 33 nazi spies the largest apprehension of foreign agents in the history of united states. 250 fbi agents i think 1000 fbi agents at this point in fbi history so this is as large as they were going to go at this point. during the six-week trial in the fall of 1941 sebold was finally able to tell the truth truth. the defendants and their lawyers portrayed him as a fearsome nazi to coerce them into joining the spy ring. one of the marine spies signify this sebold said he would never see his mother again if he didn't support the cause. another said i was afraid of him. this was a potent charge in german america. memories were fresh of the thousands of enemy aliens of german birth who imprisoned on the sketchy allegations of the loyalty during world war i. so they were seen by many of