>> well, right after i made that statement, fritz mondale who was really the hero of the committee on the fbi side, everybody was a hero but he was a special one, he asked me a question. >> if i could interrupt. that was taken by dr. king to mean a suggestion for suicide, was it not? >> that's our understanding, senator. >> and the answer was, it was intended and it was taken as an effort by the king family and the king associates like andy young to get him to commit suicide. hoover hated king, j. edgar hoover hated king. a. hoover had a negative view of what were then called negroes, indeed on the very afternoon of king's "i have a dream" speech in washington, d.c., in the bowels of the fbi's office, they resolved to destroy martin luther king. and they set out to do that in lots of ways. they persuaded the kennedy brothers to agree to wire-tapping of king and king's close associates. they did that, we later discovered, by exaggerating the role of an adviser to king, his closest white advise her, stanley leave levison who had been part of the kmcommunist pay but left the party and th