froman chilcote joining us kiev. president obama said the evidence shows that malaysian airliner was likely shot down over ukraine via russian-made missile fired from separatists held territory. he called on vladimir putin to and russian support for the separatists. peter cook has more from the white house. >> the president called it a global tragedy that has claimed nearly 300 lives. one of those lives is an american. the president went on to call for a cease-fire calling for a credible international investigation of the crash site. he went on after that to talk about exactly what the u.s. believes happened. specifically saying the u.s. is confident it was a surface-to-air missile fired from within rebel controlled area that took down the malaysian jetliner. he stopped short of assigning blame to the russians for what took place there but he did say there is some measure of responsibility for vladimir putin because they have escalated the tensions. take a listen. again, russia has refused to take the concrete steps