you quite a lot of dilemmas thought about and i a name that i didn't hear fromod thunberg and to me 'hayou she's really challenging country why don't we act now and why don't we have action that has result quicker results. yeah this is great so a quick about why editors are so portant. my first draft of the book did not talk about thunberg. my editor was likere now and and wheanywhere. but where she shows up is on thatone second. strengths weaknesses. so here's the differenc's the difference between me and greta. there are so young and so she time in a way that i'm going to say a lot of us don't, she probably i don't know her. so but i wouldn't say she doesn't have money the way some people do. soto expect her and the, you know, melinda gate to contribute to this conversation in the same way. but also because she's young she has this ability to inspire which i can i think can actually be a offensive. i think young people are kind of like hey, else stop telling us to save the world that you screwed up but it can really shame right? when i look at my daughter and i'm like, this is what