so y havpeacof mind fromtarto fish. wha's t toove. 'alsohe #1 doctor commded brand.o y havpeacof mind fromtarto fish. as his very public lost, smile for the next few seconds lot of. james i don't think a officer donald sterling will truly change the nba climate all our other owners will just be smart. how long to tie this in effect telling you but i think there's racism everywhere and this not trying to satisfy all not talking out of my cells year but walking on the street, it tends to have the break and. >> : was playing in college you walk in places with a teammate racism is just everywhere it will certainly put out a gigantic noticed any owner no matter how you feel you keep it to yourself. sterling and it's a mistake he pay off the mistress. >> : the clippers and wars should not have played sunday it was an overreaction by you would you walk up the line if i felt the my heart one of our group a of the group said all but a loyal bloc not know but if somebody said or find new the owners of the company said its of like a joke. and said well i really don't care for y