the family of my buen amigo, the senor anderson. - fronk, fronk, fronk, where you been? hello, kathy, i was just telling your mother i'll help you! - fronk, that's wonderful of you, but you deserve a nicer vacation. why don't you take a trip, or go visit some of your family? - i have no place to take a trip to, no one to visit. - not anyone? - not anyone? - no, (speaks foreign language). i will start first thing (speaks foreign language) manana. is that okay? - all right, but we'll pay you. - oh, no, that would be like work. what are you trying to do, cheat me out of my vacation? (phone rings) telephone, it's father. - excuse me, fronk. these are busy days. we're having an insurance convention next weekend. - okay, see you manana; adios, (speaks foreign language). - (kathy offscreen) betty, did you know that fronk's all alone in the world, no family at all? isn't that awful? - (betty offscreen) gee, that's a shame. - (kathy offscreen) - oh, i feel so sorry for him. - (speaks foreign language), buenos dias. - fronk, how would you like to be adopted by our family? - (laugh