. -- in 1932 to frontload roosevelt. he was a candidate for the democrats. this was after the tumultuous year of 1919 and american voters were voting for a republican no matter who it was, and happened to be warren harding. he won and chose his cabinet here in saint augustine, florida across the street at the hotel early on. we will come back at the end of this day to day to the hotel. this is franklin roosevelt's probably most famous first quote from the moment he took office. as you will see, the american people got scared. scared more than a they ever had been before. they were in a position emotionally of helplessness. he said to them, first of all the very first thing i want to say to you while, is that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. and boy where they filled with fear. he is kind of the right guy in the right place at the right time. he's going to make a huge change in america. we are going to make a fundamental shift away from the old form of government to a new form of government, which is going to be characterized by big government, big sp