kellogg's should hire this girl, frosty flakes, in a bikini and you get a free condom. >> that is soes. >> kids cereal. [ laughter ] >> tony tiger, he was a pimp. >> my word. >> and spanish language alternative. >> that would be the thing. >> offensively good. >> oh, she is great. >> wow! [ laughter ] >> is he is a good mother because she applies cocoa butter and tanning mom seen here had choice words with her five-year-old daughter was sunburn. she says, quote, there is somebody out there for my whole life that doesn't like me because they are jealous and fat and ugly. and they say far up as queen bee of all things jersey snooki said that bitch is crazy. and some of other places is better the way they treat themselves. >> kimberly, i want to go back where it began, she asked the daughter why she looked sunburn and she said she was taken to the tanning bed. >> she was scarlett red like a red lobster. daughter was. and didn't happen in the tanning booth and now has anyone noticed that the mom is getting more tan by the moment. she is all over head to toe. >> i think you might be right