situation.f in that you are going to a wedding, and the entire wedding party is decimated by a drone frothe united statesw would you think or feel about that country? >> we talked about barack obama making this decision of the kill list. what about the young men and women sitting at these joysticks like it is a game making these maneuvers. >> we have one of the pilots in younglm, an extraordinary man who has suffered, because he has realized he has killed innocent people, so in military and traditional warfare you might kill and innocent person, but as brandon told us, in drone warfare you are following him day after day. you're getting to know him and then pushing a button. they are having high instances of posttraumatic stress instances with drone pilots for that reason. tavis: for those who say no war is perfect and then say would you rather drones, whittled mentally save american lives, or do you want boots on the ground? you say what? fax us not the choice. we are not going to invade occupied pakistan. kill morelowing us to because elected officials, administrative officials are saying we can drone