>> sure for here in san francisco frshlgs we had a collaborative process that is oerlgd by the department of emergency management our department but we engage stakeholder from a wide variety of departments fire department, police department, building spickets and mayor's office and ed. we engageeveral times a year for project proposals for their departments want to see equipment or training for their staff members. those proposals are valeted for the funds. we make sure that it meets the grant guidelines and we ask that peer group of folks from the first responders department to rank them and the top ones get fema support and the ones that don't rise to the top my get funded next year before sometimes you need multiple years to get projects funded. so if things are half done we're going to fund those before starting something new. the ultimate allocation is approved by the homeland security and it's made up of our department and the police department and the head of the d hr and other heads of department. some occur in other jurisdictions and we get our region allocation we spend it widel