that i appreciate that and i hear these wonderful stories from alumni throughout the nation where fryco. wherever i travel they come and tell me about the greatness of tuskegee. in many ways we are not trying to recapture its already here. we are trying to propel it into the future has a part of our vision document. we are installing a global office not really for her undergraduate students to have opportunities to expand their international reach beyond campus but for those very international students who already matriculate there are programs or engineering programs or agriculture programs. we want them to also find not only a place on this campus where they are isolated by the place where they can integrate with students who are domestically born in the united states are during the region or in the nation here. so i appreciate the commentary. i think the history of toske be as well-known and much of that history is still alive. we are reminding people to trust tuskegee's trajectory and tradition. turn to tuskegee because obviously it's obviously what we hope intend to leverage into t