-china bilateral treaty and investment negotiations and ftaap.very much agree with professor chay that this is an extremely important issue. it is important for having a balanced u.s. rebalance toward asia, it's a major -- we have made it a major factor on the economic and trade side of that. i would argue here that the midterm election in the united states in which the president's party took a drubbing. in fact, ironically, somewhat enhanced the prospects of getting first trade promotion authority the and ratification of the tpp agreement if that's negotiated. the republicans are much more amenable to these kinds of agreements than are the democrats. questionable whether the democrats are with them in sufficient numbers to get the votes he needs. the snap election in japan in 2018 -- do i have one minute? question then. does the snap election in japan increase the chances that abe will be able to pursue the third arrow and make the -- open up the agriculture and automotive markets to the extent necessary. will china view tpp, if it gets negotiat