shocng and. sohat was,eah, i-- fuckyou know we werfalling leep. pugs ha't wokens up, you uldn't he known down throad ontour propey, d then istopped at theop. [chimetinkling my priste litt house is at thend of aoad thatooksike... a nuclr bomb'sone off. waabies anroos andossu and hidnas and the rd life- it w... utterly lent up re, r months [mournl[clickg]ys] as you c hear cidas now, and i rember theirst tim i saw annt in he... [cckles soly] .and how. ...wondeul it wa justo see th littlguy waering arnd and gog, "h did youurvive tt?" therwere tim i'd just-- ianted toust t td have tt on [voi break i walkethrough e forest i'd me hom and i'have bla stripes on my, and th'd be fr things i brusd p, and i'have bla stripes on my, and i-really.. [sig thoughtlly] ...areciated havinghe e way itad been rked humanit and... e way itad been rked is vy prive to m.the lo ine becausso much tentio goes tthe builenvironmt, d the pele whlost the things, becausso much tentio goes anmy griefas about, e lossf a plac thatoesn'tet mourned. so thereas a nd of loliness aut it. ♪♪] [wind ches tinklg] [narrato myea