the law enforcement defenses fud which is the small 501(c)(3) has website that lists 75 individual rogue prosecutors, i hope he and others buy the book because we identified them in our book. we also identify in the last chapter the language and the poll tested phrases that this movement uses and explain how if you want the figure out who to vote for to make sure you get a law and order prosecutor because we don't care if it's rep or democrat. read that last chapter and you'll see if they are funded by fair and just or safety injustice pacs in your state, they're a soros paid for rogue prosecutor. >> charles stimson, former assistant united states for the district of colombia during which administration? >> the george w. bush administration. >> and deputyy assistant defense for detainees, currently with the heritage foundation. diane in barbertown, ohio. >> hello, mr. stimson. i am a 70-year-old white woman and i see prejudice every day still even as you were saying the legal field, it's prominent still, so -- in the state of ohio we have a lot of white supremacists here but no one is wo