but fugu has another significance.re is a number of articles in books how fugu poisoning is what caused the hatians to imagine that zombies were around. >> i remember that. >> i think that has great social significance. >> and potential for a good weekend. how come when puffer fish swallow they don't die from their own poison? >> that's very good. supposedly puffer fish eat bacteria that have a poison and they develop an immunity and certainen enzymes. like electric eels aren't electrocuted. >> that is true. >> we develop cerin kinds of enzyme or chemicals that protect us. even if you cook the puffer fish it doesn't destroyed poison. >> it is like a stinky person like bill who can't smell his own stench because he is immune to it. >> that's right. >> why do you say that's right? that's not right. that's not even close to right. >> so, dr. b if poison from a puffer fish killed me sthere any kind of animal i can kill with my spit. do i have the affect of a puffer fish? >> kurari was great. they got it from a plant, kurar