that's why the uae is turning to fujairah facing the indian ocean. it's hurting construction there to allow country to continue to export oil without sending ships through the strait of hormuz. connecting habishan and fujairah. they are expected to start operations as soon as august. even if the strait is closed, the country said it can continue exporting 70% of its oil through the pipeline. in april mahmoud ahmadinejad made a visit to the state claimed by both iran and the emirates. that behavior is concernable for the uae. >> translator: we are building the infrastructure so we can continue exporting crude oil which japan and other countries need. >> reporter: while the situation along the gulf is uncertain, they're doing all they can to maintain stable supplies. nhk world. >>> prime minister demetri medvedev says russians won't give in in a territorial dispute with japan. he made the comment over one of the islands claimed also by japan. medvedev made his second visit in two years. >> translator: russia will not concede one inch of the small lands