for a few more the fujimori fled to japan.they were and the national intelligence service was deactivated. this research when the system was destroyed. the new system was created and all the intelligence agents were left unemployed for her. usually don't bother you there were several thousand unemployed agents. since they were out of work so they began to organize companies so. they opened private intelligence agencies. intelligence services parallel to government agencies began to appear. people and then these new private security companies were formed this is history mr . mining companies are hiring peru's former military intelligence agents many from the bloody reign of alberto fujimori. peru's ex president was recently on trial for human rights abuses and former spies gave testimony. this is lot of miramonte senos fujimori's acts by chief and these men were part of group of colina a secret death squad responsible for torture assassinations and massacres. our mission was to detect locate destroy and eliminate subversive ele