i'm just wondering if the design of this plant is similar to the one in fukishima, japan.lso to my understanding these nuclear facilities are basically uninsureable, they're too expensive to insure so that basically the government has to really back up if there is an accident. am i correct in those assumptions? host: thank you. we'll get a response. guest: the answer to the first question is that the design of three mile island was different than the design of fukishima and a lot of questions have been raised about that. but the basic problem at fukishima, as i understand it, was that the siting of the plant was in a very poor place and a lot of questions have been raised quite properly about why you would site several plants that close to the ocean that had a history of tsunamis. so in that sense what happened at fukishima is quite different than what happened at three mile island. in terms of insuring the price anderson acted which was passed early in the history of nuclear power, was passed one to make certain that there was enough coverage for people if there is a majo