fukuyama was the adviser. we managed on an emergency mission basis.in an emergency bunker, japanese officials struggled to grasp the size of the catastrophe. as we listened to our top nuclear experts we politicians had no idea what they were talking about. would this be another chernobyl or three mile island? no one could give us a straight answer. after 300 interviews the report pointed the finger at the plant's operator, tokyo electric. he was the lead investigator. >> no question that tepco, the power company, was primary to blame. they were unprepared for this complicated nuclear accident. >> reporter: unprepared for a power failure, and without electricity, the cores of the reactor couldn't stay cool, triggering explosions and meltdowns. the report also blames the government's own regulators for failing to have an emergency plan if a magnitude 9 earthquake struck. with the sketchy reports the government began to fear the worst, a massive cloud of radiation would cover entire tokyo region and force the evacuation of 35 million people. >> and they