he spent three months on that boat with his hometown buddy, dylan fulmer. >> he is a good kid, strong ox. >> bergdahl was even interested in joining the french foreign legion, although friends say it never came together. later, he talked about going to uganda to teach self defense techniques to villagers targeted by militias. bergdahl learned about ballet while he lived inha hailey. >> bergdahl really wanted to expand his knowledge, like ballet, he went for sword fighting and ballet. >> in 2008, he decided to enlist in the army, a move that surprised his parents, although they were later supportive. later, he was sold on the idea to go to afghanistan and help the locals rebuild their lives and communities. but later, bob bergdahl would say, we were given a fictitious picture of an artificial picture of what we were doing in afghanistan. he literally walked away from the army in a remote region of afghanistan. >> as i mentioned, the town of hailey is cancelling its welcome home celebration, i understand they're doing it out of safety concerns? >> reporter: well, anderson, yes, it is re