you know do you know that fulton sheen had a television show. many of you old enough to remember fulton sheen and he i think was the -- i forget what the award was -- the emmys are for television? and he was up against the sunday night lineup i think it was. he and milton burl were up competing against each other and fulton sheen won. and he came up to the microphone and he said, first i would like to thank my writers, matthew, mark, luke and john. that is what i mean about being win some. but i founded the acton institute to promote myself, but i think in that age sheen -- that that one person spokesperson was an important thing but i think we need something more diverse institutionally and we need a lot of voices saying a lot of things. besides which i don't want to leave this planet and have the work disappear. we're talking about succession planning in our organization so that the next generation that this institution will go on. last june we had a thousand students attend a four-day seminar offering 120 courses. they came from 80 countries