a lot of funin bre down the plays with the coach this year, more than usual. >> it s all time, man. i got to pick some of the plays this year. you didn't just pick them all. you finally trusted me putting on some good plays. w yoldn't let me put on any ac the bad plays. the thing about is he's so good at going through it and honest at what happened and honest with his guys. he likes talking ball. it's a lot of fun. >> and you had some new gadget this is year which we're going to seend next year maybe online for your podcast as well, your coach's paint. >> oh, yeah, the coach's paint. i got all the graphics and highlights and details. we're just going to get it all figured out. how to put it on tv the right way. >> here's some of the best of the coach's film breakdown with cooley brought to you my microsoft. >> coach, let's look at our offense. a big shot to mo harris on a route right here. you like thein stars c in? that's looks good. >> this is weird stuff. >> super weird. it's lines on a screen. 3d coverage. >> how do you do that? >> special clicker in my pocket. get a good i matc