one of the key advances occurred when a guy named fred funston captured aguinaldo. funston had volunteered to fight alongside the cuban insurrectionist and he got shot. he was able to recover, and he really liked being in the military, so he enlisted in the u.s. army and ended up fighting there. he came up with an ingenious plan to capture aguinaldo. there were filipino scouts working for the americans and they seized funston into his camp, pretending it was a prisoner of war, and that the appropriate time they seized aguinaldo from his camp and brought him back. so he was captured, and fighting continued on the island of luzon until july 1902. the war ended because teddy roosevelt simply announced the war was over. teddy roosevelt, writing on the fame of his success in the spanish-american war, became mckinley's vice presidential candidate and when mckinley was assassinated, teddy roosevelt became president. the war was pretty extraordinary and pretty brutal. almost 75,000 americans fought in the philippines. we tend to focus on cuba, but the war in the philippines