hus and th we thghtt wsating because as wre walkgp wahing it, jst gog furtr a fuher bc > porte rth d furer back as the flam wrju moving quily we have so ground video to sowou what is hapning aft the fire. i coider toe coa at this pot. tes it is income down teyre still putng war o i tey e dng whathey e clngopping up and th syt will be a b overha. a li look here now back at tecene whe we are we can se tre a hea prence of fi fite who are he adt least dierent aeies wee td are hlng out wi sti up this periter d also tang prand geing this fire ud corol. a th point the caes stil aod instigaon. w e live in ler podence ntgomery couy, saie wiis chanl six a "con news >>ire fighters trenn tckl aulti alm there ares we th one broke out i e ho in th200 blo o tyler avee arnd 50o'ock. fas spread to the nighri u. fre figers doed the a bforenye was hurt >>>orthan 50 op are rcerg from the trn cash a derailmt as tt atk train made its way from nr carina tord philadehia. te t teifying momt of ipt was caht on came te lomotive smashed io a taor trler and that s suckn the trac. > oh my go "conews" repoer keeth mt li