"furus 7" has behind then most money of all time. passing $1 billion worldwide friday. it took just 17 days, new record passing the avengers and "avatar" which took 19 daysful also universal studio's first billion dollar movie. china is driving ticket sales with $215 million in eight days which is also a record in the u.s. it topped $29 million to win this weekending. mall cop ii debuted in second with 24 million. "unfriended" was third and and. >> a lot of range there for what people want to see. >> i saw paul blart. >> need your review later. thank you for watching. >> coming up today on "intelligence for your life," from our relationship files, lawyers are seeing a new boom in prenuptial agreements. now that millions more women have entered the work force, the latest prenup looks a whole lot different, and reflects women's growing economic power. >>> also today, the key to a better night's sleep is knowing how to hack your subconscious mind. sleep experts believe we need to think less about sheep and more about posting sticky notes all over the house. we'll explain.