and that is, uh, german counterintelligence, one of them, fyodor rastorguev, was tracked down, and thenme here, so i was informed that here the bulk of people were infected with typhus inoculation and my task was that, uh, that means i had to see how the red army would act after the german army retreated. and how will the camp in the azarich area spread with me and liberate the 65th army under the command of general batov and the troops of the first belarusian front under the leadership of rokossovsky soviet soldiers, the prisoners saw in russia these those who could still move ran towards them and were blown up by mines, and the trails were cleared and slowly began to withdraw. that's when we have everything yeah, here's a soldier together and let's go. so my mother didn’t take it, i remember that someone there was a roof or he said that somewhere i was dragging the dead woman there was nowhere to take the living. well, and there, it seems , people moved in and put it, they saved a million on it, after all, proved that it was glass. that she is alive not far from the camp in the neares