effect and i know that,g ito, is here but the energy commission does have the ability to apply for a - an appeal - senior moment there. thank you. i hope they do so. but the water savings from the front loading washing machines are combined to make cost efficiency. if you look at the pricing structure of water often it's not necessarily cost effective but if you look at energy savings as well, they are hugely cost effective. so from their view maybe it's hard for them to push for that but for water and energy utility together there are net societal benefits. to the consumer and greenhouse gas emissions that we don't even quantify. so combined egg la tore ri and state and agencies coming to to identify solutions - even those that we have not put into effectively as i think we could. >> thank you. i'm going to the floor. >> i'd like to jump in as a comment from the floor? >> you may. >> the points peter made were very good ones. whether it's the planning or possible solutions, whether it's trying to get land use departments of our various countys to pay attention under the regulatory o