g. gordon liddy was the leader of the birther issue and the former house majority leader tom delay, andan citizen to believe whatever conspiracy theory or whatever it is that he wants to believe, but once again, it's political and they took something that was political and made it racial. since trump is making inroads into the black community, hillary clinton gets this old argument back out, dust it off and tries to play on the emotions and the sensitivities of black to say don't vote for him because he questioned our president. >> bishop vaughn? >> be that as it may. here's where we are today, with african-americans now at 2% in terms of favoring mr. trump as a presidential candidate. if you want to engage us, be that as it may, you can, quote dates, you can quote facts and you can quote names. the reality is you're 2% or less in the polls with african-american. if i think that that is something that can bring more that can engage more people to me, then just make the decision as a leader and say, listen, i'm sorry. >> you don't apologize in politics, though. >> this is what we want. w