g.p. michael's so i don't pick morgan all the time you have a g.p. michael's a very large bank and it has a bunch of loans on houses which over which the owner of those houses stop paying them all. the houses go into foreclosure ok they're non-performing but j.p. michaels can technically continue to accrue interest on these loans on the books despite the fact the interest is not accruing because the house the property is in distress by the time they do foreclose they go to. the house back so they may have to take a loss on the phantom accrued interest but there's still the phantom principle on which they might not have taken a full also if they will when they sell the property but since properties are not selling they hold this property and inventory. from this point on what looks like potentially in perpetuity so they don't have to take the full write down so it's a profit was never so so for two hundred thousand dollars you get one hundred fifty thousand dollars mortgage on it we stop paying it the. interest on a hundred fifty thousand dollars until