smartphone and doesn't post any state of the art frills that's reflected in the price tag of google sets g.s. white five models a comparatively modest one hundred seventy nine euros. the munich based manufacturer has a high degree of automation which more than compensates for the high labor costs in germany. smartphone makers in asia are largely rely on manual production and we've managed to establish a major cost advantage by having seventy percent of production robots there like resolution cost enables us to deliver a low cost product cost. so far the company has one domestic production line in the western german town of behold the facility assembles up to six thousand smartphones a week thanks to industry four point zero humans and robots work side by side here an option that was not available ten years ago. so long not written on some coolness made and working with the robots initially took some getting used to but then you discover what a big help they are just it's an end to this in all that's what says you know what a robot is putting together the phone you can get to work on another activit