this is gaafaru, an island that feeds such madivians. 1200 people live on the island and it's well knownor its bonito catch and almost all of the men work in the industry. mohamed is a novice fishermen in his second year at sea. he lives together with his parents, his elder sister, and his mother moomima put a lot of effort into educating her son. after he graduated from the island's school, she sent him to an elite school in the capital mali for three years. but he failed to find a job and he returned alone. >> that's a harsh thing to say. ahlaam looks a little uncomfortable. he got back on his feet who has been called the best fishermen on the island. he became attracted of the job of the captain who is in charge of a large crew. it's 11:00 at night and time for the bonito boats to set out. of the crew of 15, ahlaam is the youngest. ahlaam's father strides on to the boat. from that instant, he is the captain. the crews' first task is to catch live bait. as the bait fish gather, the captain barks out orders. the captain has to the crew. the crew works together to raise fishing nets. the