gabe ortiz says he noticed what he thought was a bonfire in his out to be something worse. 12:31 i called 911 and my dad was knocking on the door. 51:46 before tha cops came i was pounding on the windows and doors and i knew someone was in there bc we heard the dogs barking 55 an officer happened to be in the they went inside. 13:30 they were all sleeping. they had no idea the house was on fire apparently one of them just went to bed 35 52:13 by the time we got everyone out the smoke was really bad where the cops came out coughing and everything else 52:18 ortiz says, in total, seven people were inside the home. 54:39the husband and wife the two little girls uh i gues the husbands parents and then a sister 47 a neighbor two blocks away on potter avenue says the same night...her back porch was also torched. she says someone even left lighter fluid. neighbors here just hoping everything goes back to normal. 1 "5:11 i hope everything goes back to normal in this neighborhood " milwaukee police say they are investigating whether the reported arson is related to any other recent incidents. acco