and for the other purpose, just as it was said, “paslanna and gabreya”, so that the channel can be removede blessed and saved. at khrystse we are always in the process of voicing god’s will. i’m on my way to extort your will. there, there was joy in the important elements of the excavation of the will of god. anel kazha: mary, rejoice, here it is possible to know the torture, with the joy of the packages and roofs, which were the result of god's will, except for the feather-colored joy of god's hell, the roofs would have been cursed, but it would have been blessed ellen. it is important to remember that faith does not belong to latvai. faith is a trustworthy faith in god and in the world. everything that he holds for us, these may be moments of joy, moments of happiness and happiness, and there will also be moments, if we are yes... we will carry our roof, where faith is revealed. attachments and trust in god and skin situations, not only those that are good, that are good for our plans, but also our lives, as well as mary’s life, etc. yarpenne, fear, nyaўpeўnenasts, kalі becomes unbearabl