riter man in richmond and gale mclauk listen and el monte in the san gabriel valleyey to look at suggestions to help better craft policies in our cities. i also want to say that disparities that christina gupta are bringing awareness to our very critical areas and the maps showing that it's a citywide problem. but again, the funds as we come up with one proposal for the battle we are looking very carefully at targeting in the most appropriate and effective ways to communities that are the most that face the most health disparities. i also want to say how to report shows how urgent the report is before many of us and hope we move as quickly as possible because there is nothing more as local legislators as the health of our children in our community. i want to mention that the nation of mexico's focus on the environment cause by harmful drink companies and junk food companies is critical but our measure is a very modest one that is focusing on the harm created by that environment and really targeting it to physical activity in and out of school and healthy nutrition and education in our commun