it's by benjamin witts and gabriela blum and highlights this trend. i'd just comment having read the book, many of us might differ on conclusions on how this might change the world order. they offer a lot of discussion and views about what that does to the nation state. that's very interesting about the book is they go down the paths of three different rapidly developing technologies. biotechnology, robotics and cyber. and they posit the different scenarios, what can be done today by small groups all the way to individuals with regard to these advanced technologies and very significant high consequence effects. you look at the tsarnaev brothers in boston. two mid-level iq knuckleheads who built these devices that were certainly impactful on a local scale. you're talking about now into four, five years from now these individuals, if only modern intelligence will be able to do paint by numbers biosequencing and develop a biological agent with a synthesizer they can get off the internet. that's what we're talking about. we have not seen it yet, but the p